2022-23 SEASON UPDATE!!!, News (Six Nations Minor Hockey)

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Aug 04, 2022 | Alisha Anderson | 1876 views
2022-23 SEASON UPDATE!!!
Six Nations Minor Hockey will be returning to the ice for the 2022-23 Hockey Season!

SNMHA would like to announce Dennis MacDonald as the new President of the Association

Coaching applications are now being accepted for all divisions.  Please see website link for applying.  Assistant Coaches, Managers and Trainers are also required to start the teams.  If interested please plan ahead as courses and proper certification is required.

Ice will not be in until September 24, 2022 so we will be planning on hitting the ice and tryouts will begin immediately.

SNMHA is asking for your patience as we navigate through the beginning of this season as it as been sometime since we have operated and we will be basically starting from scratch.  Again, we welcome all those interested in helping in any way to reach out to Dennis or an Executive member for more information.  

Registration details will be forthcoming in the very near future.
If your business wishes to sponsor our organization, or advertise on this site in this section, please contact any executive member. This is an example of what your ad might look like and you have the option of advertising specials etc here. Ads are monthly and must be paid in advance before they are posted. Teams may also post their sponsors on their individual Team Web Page.