Bantam Local League Team Assignments, News (Six Nations Minor Hockey)

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Oct 06, 2017 | Alisha Anderson | 2067 views
Bantam Local League Team Assignments
Bantam LL # 1 - Coach:  David Hill
Owen Hill, Jacy Hill, Aiden Skye, Chloe Hill, Ryan Jamieson, Deeland Martin, Dazion Martin, Rakhas Green, Nolan Jonathan, Darius Hill, Justin Gardner and Terry Jamieson

Bantam LL # 2 - Coach: Jairus Skye
River MacDonald, Lleyton Bomberry-Sowden, Owyn Smith, Shayna Sawyer, Ryan Hess, Matt Hill, Davin Jamieson, Kahner Sowden, Trent McAulay, Myles Monture, Brody Thomas and Donavan Monteforte

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